Hi to everyone from Briagolong, Victoria, Australia a small country town 3.5 hours from Melbourne.
I share the MGI Program at Briagolong Primary School with years 3,4,5 and 6 as a volunteer. I knew the Wellbeing teacher at the school and gave her the Primary I book to review saying that I wanted to share the 3P understanding with children. She in turn shared it with the school Principal who agreed to purchase six copies of Level I and II books plus the Teachers’ Manuals. For over a year, I have been working with two groups of children each term. I am not a teacher. My background is Corporate Executive level in the UK and I retired to Australia in 2004.
When I arrived in Australia, instead of enjoying retirement, I struggled with feelings of depression. I set about trying to understand what was wrong with me as I had nothing to be depressed about! I researched many modalities and even went to India but nothing provided a permanent “fix”. In 2016, a friend and volunteer Business Mentor colleague suggested I read, “Somebody Should have told Us” by Jack Pransky and “Invisible Power, Insight Principles at Work” by Sandy Krot and Ken Manning. I read them and woke up to the fact that I was creating my depression by misusing the Power of Thought. Since then, I have been doing my best to share this understanding and could see the importance of sharing this with children within the school system. My goal is to get teachers to deliver the MGI program.
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