By reviewing and accepting these Community Standards, you agree to abide by the conditions stated. Anyone establishing an account on this website found to violate these community standards will be subject to being permanently removed.
My Guide Inside and Feel the Vibe supports the free exchange of thoughts and ideas. We are proud to facilitate meaningful conversations and collaboration around the world. My Guide Inside and Feel the Vibe provides a high-quality domestic and cross-border communication portal. This document provides a guide to behavior for all participants.
If violations of these Community Standards occur, we want you to report them to us.
My Guide Inside and Feel the Vibe Content Moderation Principles
My Guide Inside and Feel the Vibe provide participants with principle-based knowledge to access innate well-being and happiness.
- We bring together a diverse community of people to collaborate.
- We view it a great privilege to support the variety of participants who entrust us with their communications.
- We take seriously our duty to safeguard the free and open exchange of thoughts and ideas on My Guide Inside and Feel the Vibe.
- We care for our participants and the virtual and physical communities in which they live, work, and play.
- We are committed to providing our participants with a welcoming, respectful, and safe place to share their voices.
Abuse Policy
You may not engage in the targeted harassment of someone or encourage others to do so. We consider abusive behavior an attempt to harass, intimidate, or silence someone else’s voice.
There is no place for hateful conduct on My Guide Inside and Feel the Vibe. It is unacceptable to engage in hateful conduct, such as posting or sending hateful imagery, making violent threats, targeting others with hateful or abusive speech, including profanity, or encouraging anyone else to do those things.
Violent Threats Policy
There is no place for violent threats or glorifying violence on My Guide Inside and Feel the Vibe.
- We believe that violent threats are statements of intent to kill or inflict serious physical harm on a specific person or group. We define stating an intent includes phrases like “I will,” “I’m going to,” or “I plan to,” as well as conditional statements like “If you do X, I will.”
Sensitive Content Policy
There is no place on My Guide Inside and Feel the Vibe for certain sensitive content, including graphic violence, adult content, gratuitous gore, hateful imagery, and child sexual exploitation.
Suicide or Self-harm Policy
You may not promote or encourage suicide or self-harm. When we receive reports that a person is threatening suicide or self-harm, we may take several steps to assist them, such as reaching out to that person and providing resources such as contact information for mental health professionals. If you see any information on My Guide Inside and Feel the Vibe indicating that someone might harm themselves, please let us know immediately.
Extremist Groups Policy
We prohibit accounts that affiliate with organizations that use or promote violence against civilians to further their causes, either on or off the platform.
Private Information Policy
You may not post other people’s private information without their permission, threaten to do so, or try to get others to do so. In other words, no doxing. Private information can include any of the following:
- a home address or physical location information,
- street addresses, GPS coordinates, or other identifying information related to locations that are considered private,
- identity documents, including government-issued IDs and social security or other national identity numbers or photo images of them,
- contact information, including non-public personal phone numbers or email addresses,
- financial account information, including bank account and credit card details,
- other private information, including biometric data or medical records.
Spam Policy
You may not use My Guide Inside and Feel the Vibe to spam anyone. Spam is the mass unsolicited or aggressive activity that attempts to manipulate or disrupt My Guide Inside and Feel the Vibe, the experience of My Guide Inside and Feel the Vibe participants, or to drive traffic or attention to unrelated accounts, products, services, or initiatives.
Copyright, Trademark, Defamation, Right of Publicity, and Impersonation Policy
You may not upload or distribute content on My Guide Inside and Feel the Vibe that you do not have a right to transmit under any law, including trademark and copyright law, or under contractual or fiduciary relationships. You also may not use My Guide Inside and Feel the Vibe to defame others, impersonate anyone, or use another’s name or image without their permission.
Copyright is a form of legal protection for original works, like books, movies, photos, and music. Copyright law prevents others from copying or displaying another’s work without permission, which is most commonly fair use and is subject to a few exceptions. “Fair use” is typically used for criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research.
- A trademark is a word, logo, phrase, or design that distinguishes a trademark owner’s good or service in the marketplace. Trademark law prevents someone from using a trademark to confuse others about whether a product or service is authentic or to suggest a relationship with the trademark owner when there is not.
- Defamation (slander/libel) is to make false statements about someone that damage that person’s reputation.
- The “right of publicity” is using someone else’s name, persona, or image without permission for marketing or advertising purposes.
- Impersonation is pretending to be someone you are not.
Report Violations
My Guide Inside and Feel the Vibe supports the free and open exchange of thoughts and ideas, and we are committed to providing people access to happiness, joy, and peace while creating a culture of trust, safety, and respect. If there are violations of our Community Standards, we want people to report them to us.
If you detect specific violations of the Community Standards of My Guide Inside and Feel the Vibe, contact us as soon as possible. You may email us at or call and leave a voice message at 704-651-1368.
Please provide us your full name, email address, phone number, and pertinent details of the detected violations.
Thank you for helping us keep My Guide Inside and Feel the Vibe safe, truthful, trusted, and enjoyable for everyone.